
Young Professionals Program

SAYS’ Young Professionals Program (YPP) provides on-campus job training for the 30+ teens in our residential group homes.

YPP includes on-campus employment opportunities including lawn maintenance, janitorial, and the Soapy Tales program — an eco-friendly soap business launched in partnership with Flagler College Enactus.

Our SAYS’ employment coach assesses each youth when entering YPP to create a custom work plan that will improve the areas in which they are struggling.

In addition to on-campus employment opportunities, our employment coach assists youth with applying and obtaining employment off-campus which can make a significant difference in a youth’s transition out of the foster care system at 18 years old.

In addition to employment opportunities and one-on-one training, our employment coach arranges educational campus tours and partners with local businesses for additional financial literacy lessons.


  • Participating in job interviews

  • Filling out job applications

  • Health work habits (arriving on time, workplace etiquette, time management, stress management, proper job exit behavior)

  • Money Management


  • 100% of youth participating in YPP who have aged directly out of SAYS gained employment or continued their education within one year.



Thomas Wood
Employment Coach


Help us sustain YPP!