Introducing: Community Action Team (CAT)

We are thrilled to announce the addition of our newest community service, the SAYS Community Action Team (CAT).

Launched in July 2018, CAT provides effective alternatives to out-of-home placements for boys and girls in St. Johns County with mental health conditions.

The team — consisting of a Team Leader, Mental Health Clinicians, a Psychiatrist, a Registered Nurse, Therapeutic Mentors, and A Case Manager — works in collaboration with other agencies in St. Johns County to build family engagement, develop or strengthen their natural support system, and provide a safe environment for youth and families to work through past trauma.

“We expect the presence of a multi-disciplinary, individual-centered treatment team will have a significant impact on St. Johns County youth and their families. Children in crisis will be able to remain with their families and in the community while receiving the specialized support they need,” said Schuyler Siefker, Executive Director, SAYS.

For more information on CAT, including referrals, please visit

SAYS Development